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What's cooking in Marie et Marcelle's kitchen - February, month of La Chandeleur and Pancake Day

Greetings from the Marie et Marcelle's kitchen! February is the month when we enjoy crepes in France and in the UK. In France, we celebrate "la Chandeleur" (Candlemass) on the 2nd of February. Whilst initially a religious celebration, this has become a day when everyone will enjoy crepes with their favourite filling or spread. When moving to the UK over 8 years ago, I discovered that the same celebration happens in the UK, although on a different day of the month. In the UK, Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) is celebrated towards the end of February. As a French living in the UK, this is therefore an occasion for me to enjoy crepes on multiple occasions during February !! Earlier this month...

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What’s cooking in Marie et Marcelle’s kitchen - May 2022

  Growing up in France and spending most of my holidays at the family farm, I have always welcome Spring as the season when natures awakes, some exciting months leading to Summer, my most favourite time to be at the farm.I was recently cooking fresh peas in my London kitchen and the simple fact of removing them from the pods took me back to dear memories of my childhood years. In late afternoon in Spring and Summer, when weather would allow, it was a tradition for the family to sit down at the garden table and start preparing fresh vegetables we would cook for dinner. When on holiday at the farm it would be a ritual to join my grandmother...

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How to best enjoy your fresh lunch?

  Each meal prepared in the Marie et Marcelle's kitchen is carefully packaged and refrigerated, guaranteeing a fresh and delicious dish ready for you to heat and enjoy. To better preserve the quality of the ingredients used in the meals, please see below my recommendations:  Microwave Remove the lid. Place the box in the microwave and heat at medium temperature for 3 to 5 minutes. Medium temperature allows for gentle reheating of the food.  Carefully remove from the microwave and ensure the food is warm enough before serving. Heat for a further couple of  minutes if required.   Oven Preheat the oven to 180℃. It is recommended to transfer the food to an oven dish and heat for 10-15 minutes. Carefully remove from the oven...

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